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Tai Chi & Xing Yi Classes

I teach Tai Chi and Xing Yi (which is a cousin to Tai Chi) and Qi Gong in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire. I have practiced these arts for well over a decade and currently run a full-time school that comprises both face to face and online classes. I also run workshops and retreats. These arts can go very deep and comprise many parts and skills. Here is a very brief introduction of what you can expect. 

Tai Chi is many things but at its heart it is an art focused on cultivation. It has a deep understanding of martial arts, strength and conditioning, health practices, philosophy, energy work (Qi Gong) and meditation which when put together, creates something unique and greater than the sum of its parts.  

In class we focus on building a robust, healthy, relaxed and balanced body. This can be done in many ways but one is by practicing standing exercises (Zhan Zhuang), which teach us how to align, relax, open and link the body together and create and very strong root and balance. 

In Tai Chi everything works together, we say if the center is still, the body rests, if the center moves, the whole body is in motion! With practice, force being expressed through the body creates an expansion and contraction of the joints and prioritizes the use of the tendons, bonesand facia. This results in a body that contracts and expands, coils and releases and can have a gentle or explosive expressions of force. 

The mind leads the breath and the body and remains calm and focused on the center. We learn to harmonize the mind, breath and body (also known as the ‘Three Treasures’) so that all three become integrated. 

Students often quickly find that their posture and balance have improved, they have become stronger and more robust. Old aches and pains start to disappear, their mind body connection grows, their full body power greatly increases, their energy levels raise, and they are calmer and are more focused. 

Classes are open to all ages and physical abilities. Beginners and more advanced students all work and progress together. Many people come to these arts from Karate, Boxing, Yoga, Mindfulness, golf or gardening. It doesn’t really matter. They help to aid them all. So Tai Chi does not necessarily need to be your main stay, it can be used to aid other the things you do or even as a form of injury prevention. 

Contact me if you have any questions or simply come and join a class. 

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